Ethernet PAUSE frames are decoded incorrectly as PFC.CSV values missing when using tshark -2 option.DUP ACK Counter resetting after Window Update.Websphere MQ Work Information Header incorrectly showing "Reserved".wpan.src64 (and dst64) filter always gives "is not a valid EUI64 Address" error.PCSCF ip in the Protocol configuration of update bearer request is not getting populated.

SSL Decryption (RSA private key with p smaller than q) failing on the Windows 7 buildbot.Link-type not retrieved for rpcap interfaces configured with authentication.Wireshark Lua dissectors: both expand together.PIM null-register according to rfc4601 is incorrectly parsed.Mysql dissector adds packet content to INFO column without scrubbing it.Powerlink (EPL) SDO packages interpreted as frame dublication.lldp.ieee.802_3.mdi_power_class display is wrong.Tshark: output format of rpc.xid changed from Hex to Integer.Parse CFM Type Test signal (TST) without CRC.The Aruba ERM Type 1 Dissector inconsistent with Type 0 and Type 3.Mergecap turns nanosecond-resolution time stamps into microsecond-resolution time stamps.DCE RPC "Decode As" capability is missing.Output can be exported as XML, PostScript®, CSV or plain text.Coloring rules can be applied to the packet list for fast and intuitive analysis.